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Birds - Other Stamps

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Chukar Partridge, ATM self-adhesive stamp, MINT, 2015

Country :  Israel
Issue date :  14.04.2015
Price1,45 €

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Antelopes and Birds, stamp, MINT, 2015

Country :  Botswana
Issue date :  10.03.2015
Price1,45 €

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Price2,88 €

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Partridges and Pheasants, ATM self-adhesive stamp, MINT, 2015

Country :  Israel
Issue date :  11.02.2015
Price1,45 €

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Cranes, souvenir sheet with 2 stamps, MINT, 2015

Country :  Bhutan
Issue date :  01.01.2015
Price3,90 €

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Cranes, souvenir sheet with 8 stamps, MINT, 2015

Country :  Bhutan
Issue date :  01.01.2015
Price4,67 €

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Zoological Survey, souvenir sheet, MINT, 2015

Country :  India
Issue date :  01.01.2015
Price2,74 €

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Birds of Paraguay, set of 2 stamps, MINT, 2014

Country :  Paraguay
Issue date :  15.10.2014
Price7,72 €

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Mining Scrub, souvenir sheet, MINT, 2014

Country :  New Caledonia
Issue date :  08.09.2014
Catalog Michel number :  Block 51
Price4,91 €

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Nature Protection - Beskid Mountains, souvenir sheet, MINT, 2014

Country :  Czech Republic
Issue date :  03.09.2014
Price4,32 €

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